Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Meet Professor Doherty - Nobel Prize 1996 winner

If you don't know who Professor Doherty is, you probably live like a frog under a well. (joking)

Today, I had attended a fantastic talk entitled 'The Killer Defense' by Professor Doherty at Graduate Centre, Sunway Campus which lasted for an hour. Seriously, time flied fast. I wished we can have more and more time listened to this great scientist, Nobel Prize winner and a good role model (for me, he is).

In 1996, Professor Laureate, Peter C. Doherty shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Swiss colleague Rolf Zinkernagel, for their discovery of how the immune system recognises virus-infected cells. The discovery has had a profound impact on immunology, the treatment of diseases - including cancer -  and today's success in organ transplantation. Prof Doherty was Australian of the Year in 1997, ans has since been commuting between St Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis and the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the University of Melbourne. His research is mainly in the area of defence against viruses. Throughout his research, Prof Doherty's work has been marked by his tenacity, enterprise and enthusiasm for new ideas.

Prof Doherty also wrote several books, including the famous "The Beginners Guide to Winning the Nobel Prize" and "A Light History of Hot Air". He regularly devotes time to delivering public lectures, writing articles for newspapers and magazines and participating in radio discussions.  

At first, I thought venerable Prof Doherty must be like someone at the sky that we can't reach, as we know he had won a lot of awards besides the prestigious Nobel Prize; but, he is just so truly fully humble, respectful, smart, underprivileged, modest, nice and impressive scientist. He even thanks to a volunteer who helped him out with slide show presentation multiple times.    

Prof Doherty feel kind of sad when there are too few people working in the area of viral pathogenesis and immunity, too little funding, too many problems and too little time. 

Last but not least, all of us burst into laugh when Prof Doherty shared some of his funny photos to end the talk. He said he is just a man who don't know what to do with flowers. LOL.

He said he looked funny that time wore a hat with ears flying up and even hold a bouquet of flowers upside down.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Starbucks - Mocha Cookie Crumble Frap

Despite my most favourite Green Tea Frap, I would say that the Mocha Cookie Crumble Frap is my new favourite now. The barista added three scoops of cookie crumbles and three pumps of chocolate mocha sauce to my drink. I think the crumbles were of some kind of Oreo-esque chocolate cookie, but it was honestly hard to tell what flavor they were because the taste of the mocha syrup was so much stronger. At first, the crumbles were underwhelming in their contribution to texture, too, since they were blended down to the exact same size as the ice. As the ice began to melt, however, the cookie crumbles allowed the Frappuccino to retain some crunchiness. And I miss the chocolate whipped cream on top so badly. 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Pity beggar

There is this moment where I couldn't forget ever, it was a nice windy afternoon as I make my way walking to a lunch, a poor looking guy drew away my full attention. Okay, to be exact, is a guy with all torn clothes and pants, very messy unclear hair, some half healing wounds at his head, thick moustache, bared foot. 

I couldn't left my sight away from him. Thousands thought in my mind. Was him abandoned by his family? Or was he get lost? How long he been wandered here? Had he eaten anything? First thing I remembered was I saw him lied down on a bench in the park besides sunway college shuttle bus stop. Must have been a tough day with hot pouring sunlight. The place he laid down was not shady. The heat like a hot oven. 

His action attracted me. He woke up and sit. At first I didn't know what it was. Looked like a prey that get trapped. He cried out all his tear in silence. I never saw a man cry without tear before. He stopped crying, was just sitting there watching people passed by in a little black-and-white day. 

He was like frozen, sitting and waiting. He stared out of nowhere, I think he just didn't know what else to do. He didn't looked at me standing there besides the park. Despaired, losing hope, being isolated by this world.

Just like that. Sitting and waiting at 3 in the afternoon.  

Saturday, June 9, 2012



殊不知, 前面有两位保安人员,一个面向我;另一个背对着我。

我望过去,看到他也瞄过来,就在短短几秒的时间,我浑身上上下下被他盯着,从头顶盯到脚趾头,又从脚趾头盯到头顶。 幹!那一副死色相!


然后,他也瞬间转头直盯着我看。 超级幹!


Thursday, May 31, 2012


A small update from me on the last day of May. Next week gonna be hectic, with final exam in a row. 

Day and day preparing and revision, sooner or later I'm gonna be a zombie.

Well, after final exam, I'm gonna go back home, looking forward to see my parents, little bro, and boyfriend, of course. We hug, we kiss, and we love :) Hooray for long distance relationship. 

Btw, congratulation to my dearest pretty cousin who is going to marry on July. So, stay tuned! 

ps: Good luck to all monashians. whoa! rock the exam!

TOP is looking at me! :D

The outfit of going to library  (what?)

Take 1 - Study look 'Good Student In Action'

Take 2 - Terrorist look  

Monday, April 30, 2012









給自己的五句话:1、再难也要坚持。2、再好也要淡泊。3、再差也要自信。4、再多也要节省。 5、再冷也要热情。

- It's never been too late to say I LOVE YOU -

Friday, March 16, 2012




看的開一點,傷的就會少一點...... 一個人要是捨得讓你傷心,就根本不會在乎你是否流淚。







- 可以從隙缝中開花,會是黑玫瑰嗎?-


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Laugh at Comical Joke

          A man with a huge grin approaches a priest. "Bless me, Father, for I have sinned," he says. "I've spent the week with seven beautiful women." 
          "Do not fret, my son," said the priest. 
"All you need to do is take seven lemons, squeeze the juice into a glass, and drink the juice."
         "Will that cleanse my sin from me?" asked the man incredulously.

         " No," replied the priest. "But it'll wipe that stupid smile off your face."

Beginning of 2012... 

Song of The Day 

Catch Me - Demi Lovato